Keyboard Shortcuts For Your Mac
Hope these help you get more out of that machine of yours! The little images to the left of each key name is the special symbol for that key. I don't know about you, but the option key is the crazy one for me. I always have to look it up.
Command (or Cmd) key: Like the Control (ctrl) key on a Windows keyboard. Used to be known as the Apple key.
Option - Like Alt on Windows keyboard
Control - Control-click = Right Click (didn't know you could do that did you?
Return (same as the Enter key on a Windows keyboard)
Enter - on Number Pad, or Fn-Return on compact keyboard
Escape - esc
Page Up - fn Up Arrow on compact keyboard
Page Down - fn Down Arrow on compact keyboard
Home - fn-Left Arrow on compact keyboard
End - fn-Right Arrow on compact keyboard
Arrow keys
Delete Left - just says Delete - like backspace on Windows keyboard
- Delete Right - fn Delete on compact keyboard - also known as Forward Delete
Special Commands
- Copy - highlight what you want to copy (text or image), then press Cmd-C
- Paste - click where you want what you have copied (so you see a blinking cursor), then press Cmd-V
- Shutdown immediately (I call this a rude shutdown) - Hold Cmd-Opt_Ctrl keys and press the Eject key or Power button
- Restart immediately (no confirmation) - Cmd-Ctrl-Eject (three finger salute - Mac style)
- Forced Restart (only when absolutely necessary) Cmd-Ctrl-Power button (when all else fails)
- Sleep immediately (no confirmation) - Press the power button (or press Cmd-Opt-Eject)
- Put display to sleep - Hold Ctrl-Shift and press the Eject key or Power button